Thursday, January 8, 2009
Happy New Year
Happy 2009 from the Campbell family! Jeremy celebrated the new year by ice fishing in Michigan's U.P., and finally found some redeeming qualities to winter: blue gill sushi! On Sunday, Maddy will be leaving him in the capable care and companionship of our dog, Sammy... oh and the millions of people coming to visit Washington D.C. in under 2 weeks!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
First the fame, then the fortune

Monday, September 29, 2008
Moved to Washington... new digs again
In the nearly 7 months since our last post, we have been quite busy writing a dissertation (Jeremy), finishing doctoral qualifying exams (Maddy), completing job applications (Jeremy), and navigating extensive security and medical clearances for a new job (Maddy). We are pleased to report that after almost 4 months of anticipation, Maddy has finally received the green light on her new job with the Federal government as a refugee officer. The go-ahead came not a minute too soon as we have already arrived in our new home in Washington! We are living just southeast of the Hill in a small studio apartment within a very charming neighborhood. Here's where you can reach us:
Madeline and Jeremy Campbell
1807 Burke St. SE
Washington, D.C.
It is sure to be an exciting time with Maddy traveling a lot with her job and Jeremy finishing his "diss" and hopefully landing a job for the 2009-10 school year. We promise to keep you all abreast of our news with this newly re-released blog!
Maddy and Jeremy
Madeline and Jeremy Campbell
1807 Burke St. SE
Washington, D.C.
It is sure to be an exciting time with Maddy traveling a lot with her job and Jeremy finishing his "diss" and hopefully landing a job for the 2009-10 school year. We promise to keep you all abreast of our news with this newly re-released blog!
Maddy and Jeremy
Monday, March 3, 2008
Back to Davis... New digs
Jeremy arrived back to California after a few weeks on the eastern seaboard and Maddy just returned this weekend to meet him in sunny but windy Davis! Maddy came back two weeks early due to a rather nasty respiratory infection. She received excellent care, considering the circumstances, from the same Cuban doctors that helped her with her worms in the fall. We are almost all settled (with the help of IKEA's fine housewares) in our new home and delighted to be spending time together in our old stomping grounds, if largely in IKEA and other big box-stores stores. More soon!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Some scenes from the camps
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Cold shakes!
Another week's gone by in the Saharawi refugee camps, and Jeremy's managed to forget what precious little Hassaniya he had managed to learn. No matter, as Maddy is doing all the talking for the two of us: today she started teaching at the Salam English Center in Samara Camp, while Jeremy walked around passing out cookies and textbooks. It's a shame we can't post pictures here (connection too slow), because to see us dressed up to "go to school" in the morning is to think we were living in Chicago after a blizzard. You simply can't get warm in a winter desert, anyways between the hours of 8 pm and 2 pm. I would kill for a pair of mittens.
Our "host dad" Ahmed is out in the middle of the desert, on the trip to Mauritania that we (as non-visa holding Americans) were unable to embark on ourselves. So, instead of talking to Mauritanians there, we're searching for them here in the camps...believe it or not, the economic situation in Mauritania is so dire that people come here, to refugee camps in SW Algeria, to find work. Taxi-drivers, security guards, petty merchants: good chance the fella is from Mauritania (where Hassaniya is also spoken) and that he is trying to get Saharawi citizenship by "emmigrating" to these refugee camps. Bizarre and beguiling situation.
Earlier today we gave into our cravings and made a batch of brownies. Actually, it was just one brownie, and by brownie, we mean "cake." Sure beats goat, or camel for that matter.
Our "host dad" Ahmed is out in the middle of the desert, on the trip to Mauritania that we (as non-visa holding Americans) were unable to embark on ourselves. So, instead of talking to Mauritanians there, we're searching for them here in the camps...believe it or not, the economic situation in Mauritania is so dire that people come here, to refugee camps in SW Algeria, to find work. Taxi-drivers, security guards, petty merchants: good chance the fella is from Mauritania (where Hassaniya is also spoken) and that he is trying to get Saharawi citizenship by "emmigrating" to these refugee camps. Bizarre and beguiling situation.
Earlier today we gave into our cravings and made a batch of brownies. Actually, it was just one brownie, and by brownie, we mean "cake." Sure beats goat, or camel for that matter.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Some more fun from NW Africa!
After leaving the Canaries on January 6, we spent four days in the Occupied Territories of Western Sahara, specifically in the Saharawi capital Laayoune. There we met with human rights campaigners and walked about a city becoming more Moroccan day by day. We also took a trip to the territory's principal port (25 km through desert from Laayoune, on a rugged stretch of Atlantic coast), where European fleets are overfishing millions of tons of octopus, flounder, and tuna from the waters.
On our way to the other Sahara--the refugee camps--we had to fly through continental Spain, then wait for two days in the beautiful Algerian capital, Algiers. In Algiers, we kept a conspicously low profile, but did manage to enjoy eating some wonderful couscous & patisserie and trolloping through the city's windy and hilly streets. A week ago, we left the Mediterranean for the desert, landing in Tindouf to a much-anticipated reunion with Maddy's host family in the camps. Maddy's host-mom, Haha, is a sweet and affectionate woman, not without some mischief, who cooks outstanding meals inspired by Rachel Ray, but who happens to be married to a creepy chain-smoker, Ahmed, who takes to telling near-total strangers about how he once whupped some Spaniards in soccer, back when Muhammad was a little boy.
Increasingly confident in her linguistic abilities (while Jeremy mumbles to himself about "halub-juhb"), Maddy is turning towards the difficult and exciting task of preliminary research. At the time of posting, we are entertaining a weeklong excursion through the desert to Mauritania (look it up!), but we'll keep you posted. Mauritania is a vast Hassaniya-speaking country, and many Saharawi refugees in the camps maintain business and kin relations with Mauritanian communities.
Quick notes so far: 1) going days upon days without showering (unthinkable in the Amazon) is actually not too bad in the desert. 2) goat meat IS as bad as Maddy warned; camel turns out to be sweet, vaguely reminiscent of mincemeat pie! 3) The Aljazeera cable network has some good contacts with the American producers of dopey made-for-TV dramas. 4) Saharawis tend to take 5 minutes to greet one another (even a neighbor whom you see everyday) in a ritualized speech pattern that is, increasingly, getting on Jeremy's nerves. Otherwise, no complaints. 5) the desert has thus far proved productive for syllabus wrtiting and dissertation mapping. Halub-juhb! Hamdillallah!
On our way to the other Sahara--the refugee camps--we had to fly through continental Spain, then wait for two days in the beautiful Algerian capital, Algiers. In Algiers, we kept a conspicously low profile, but did manage to enjoy eating some wonderful couscous & patisserie and trolloping through the city's windy and hilly streets. A week ago, we left the Mediterranean for the desert, landing in Tindouf to a much-anticipated reunion with Maddy's host family in the camps. Maddy's host-mom, Haha, is a sweet and affectionate woman, not without some mischief, who cooks outstanding meals inspired by Rachel Ray, but who happens to be married to a creepy chain-smoker, Ahmed, who takes to telling near-total strangers about how he once whupped some Spaniards in soccer, back when Muhammad was a little boy.
Increasingly confident in her linguistic abilities (while Jeremy mumbles to himself about "halub-juhb"), Maddy is turning towards the difficult and exciting task of preliminary research. At the time of posting, we are entertaining a weeklong excursion through the desert to Mauritania (look it up!), but we'll keep you posted. Mauritania is a vast Hassaniya-speaking country, and many Saharawi refugees in the camps maintain business and kin relations with Mauritanian communities.
Quick notes so far: 1) going days upon days without showering (unthinkable in the Amazon) is actually not too bad in the desert. 2) goat meat IS as bad as Maddy warned; camel turns out to be sweet, vaguely reminiscent of mincemeat pie! 3) The Aljazeera cable network has some good contacts with the American producers of dopey made-for-TV dramas. 4) Saharawis tend to take 5 minutes to greet one another (even a neighbor whom you see everyday) in a ritualized speech pattern that is, increasingly, getting on Jeremy's nerves. Otherwise, no complaints. 5) the desert has thus far proved productive for syllabus wrtiting and dissertation mapping. Halub-juhb! Hamdillallah!
Monday, January 7, 2008
...and more photos from Las Canarias
Friday, January 4, 2008
Together in Las Palmas, heading for the Occupied Territories
Dear All,
We have returned from a delicious vacation on the beach here in the Canary Islands (Spain), and now we´re back from a way-too-long break from the blogosphere. Sorry! Jeremy has moved on from Pará (in Brazil), and is beginning to work on his dissertation after spending a few weeks in the states. Maddy´s been in the Canaries since her birthday, and Jeremy since Christmas. We had a joyful and restful reunion here, and tons of fun with Maddy´s Mom, who was here until January 2. We are leaving this weekend for the Occupied Territories (Western Sahara), and then back to southwestern Algeria on the 10th. Much Love and Happy New Year! Sorry again for the hiatus...we´ll be posting more photos soon!
-Maddy and Jeremy
We have returned from a delicious vacation on the beach here in the Canary Islands (Spain), and now we´re back from a way-too-long break from the blogosphere. Sorry! Jeremy has moved on from Pará (in Brazil), and is beginning to work on his dissertation after spending a few weeks in the states. Maddy´s been in the Canaries since her birthday, and Jeremy since Christmas. We had a joyful and restful reunion here, and tons of fun with Maddy´s Mom, who was here until January 2. We are leaving this weekend for the Occupied Territories (Western Sahara), and then back to southwestern Algeria on the 10th. Much Love and Happy New Year! Sorry again for the hiatus...we´ll be posting more photos soon!
-Maddy and Jeremy
Monday, December 3, 2007
Here is a picture of 4 English-speaking friends (from left to right, Nancy, Alice, Jessica, and Marite) and my Hassaniya tutor (Mahmood). Mahmood is preparing a traditional tea in his house. After 32 years here and with no repatriation in sight, his house, like many in the camps, appears pretty permanent.
More photos!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Geertz's echo OR Why should I be lonely now?
My friend Alice frequently reminds me that when she was first getting to know this place 8 months ago, she felt like she had the subjectivity of a goat. If Alice was a meager goat in her first months here, I have begun joking that I was ( is only funny in retrospect...) some triumph in taxidermy. Maybe more exotic than a goat (Alice's European origins are old hat. But America?!), yet also far less self-sufficient. Like a stuffed moose from the far off plains, I was either stared at quizzically or overlooked altogether. In either case, not exactly treated as human, and not exactly playing the role. Luckily, I’ve been retreating into my moose statuette less and changing the scenery more. Because I am feeling more able to get around on my own, I feel freer to change my surroundings when people are either paying me too much or too little attention. I have even begun running some in the early morning, which is the closest thing I've found here to living on the wild side.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Antibiotics, toe-socks, and other delights
As I write from the desert, Jeremy is preparing for his final departure from Amazonia for many months. Just beginning fieldwork myself, I cannot imagine how it must feel to finish. Bravo! It will be a thanks-filled holiday, indeed, this week. After a 5 day series of antibiotics, I am back in good health. The diagnosis by some Cuban doctors working in the camps was an intestinal parasite. Now, as the cold sets in, it seems like everyone in the camps is getting chest and head colds. It is a riot to see people walking around in winter coats, gloves, and hats. It's still getting into the 80s in the day. But I am growing to appreciate the seriousness with which people take bundling up against the sand, sun, and cold and have fully jumped on-board. I have loaded up on all sorts of warm clothes, including head wraps to wear on top of the malafa, long-underwear to wear under your mulafa, and even toe-socks (all the rage here). As Jeremy travels home on Thanksgiving, I will be celebrating anti-biotics and toe-socks with the handful of other Americans living in the camps. I have been self-assigned to take care of the sweets and am in the process of puzzling over possible dessert menus given my very limited access to ingredients here in the camps.
With my body cooperating, I have been able to get more into the rhythm of things here, which I can only describe as simultaneously busy and lazy. There is always something going on (another round of tea to prepare for another round of visitors), and dozens of things to do (pushed back by ever more rounds of tea), but never a particular rush to get things done. In addition to the everyday busy laziness of things here, the past couple of weeks has been filled with special activities surrounding two big visits. One was the short visit of a Human Rights Watch team including my friend, Bill, from New York. They were here to investigate the overall humanitarian situation here as well as some particularly disturbing allegations of slavery in the camps. Slavery was widespread among the Saharawi until the war and the formal eradication of slavery in the new republic. While the team found no evidence of bonded labor, they did find some evidence that former slave families remain constrained in their freedom of marriage and movement by their former owners.
The other big visit was by a set of religious scholars from Minneapolis who came here to meet with some top Algerian and Saharawi imams (religious leaders) here. Although I described both parties of these meetings as "religious," what most impressed me about the conversation was that it was cast not at the level of "religion," i.e. the historical institutions of Christianity or Islam, but at the level of "truth." All of the speakers seemed to talk quite negatively about those who act in the name of exclusive truth (religion), and instead chose to discuss what they believed to be infinite truth. To that end, a large focus of the conversation was on how to live a righteous life in a violent world. What I took from the conversation as someone who is entirely new to "the books" was the following question: How does one live God's truth without alienting other living truths? Quite a remarkable conversation to observe in the middle of the desert. Then again, not at all unusual here...
With my body cooperating, I have been able to get more into the rhythm of things here, which I can only describe as simultaneously busy and lazy. There is always something going on (another round of tea to prepare for another round of visitors), and dozens of things to do (pushed back by ever more rounds of tea), but never a particular rush to get things done. In addition to the everyday busy laziness of things here, the past couple of weeks has been filled with special activities surrounding two big visits. One was the short visit of a Human Rights Watch team including my friend, Bill, from New York. They were here to investigate the overall humanitarian situation here as well as some particularly disturbing allegations of slavery in the camps. Slavery was widespread among the Saharawi until the war and the formal eradication of slavery in the new republic. While the team found no evidence of bonded labor, they did find some evidence that former slave families remain constrained in their freedom of marriage and movement by their former owners.
The other big visit was by a set of religious scholars from Minneapolis who came here to meet with some top Algerian and Saharawi imams (religious leaders) here. Although I described both parties of these meetings as "religious," what most impressed me about the conversation was that it was cast not at the level of "religion," i.e. the historical institutions of Christianity or Islam, but at the level of "truth." All of the speakers seemed to talk quite negatively about those who act in the name of exclusive truth (religion), and instead chose to discuss what they believed to be infinite truth. To that end, a large focus of the conversation was on how to live a righteous life in a violent world. What I took from the conversation as someone who is entirely new to "the books" was the following question: How does one live God's truth without alienting other living truths? Quite a remarkable conversation to observe in the middle of the desert. Then again, not at all unusual here...
...unfortunately, Maddy's internet connection timed out here...Blogger saved her work up to this point, and this is Jeremy (hi!) pushing the "publish" button from Santarém. Hope the connection cooperates soon, Maddy...I love you and thank you for the well-wishing as I wrap up here! Beijos.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Flashlight Maniac
Rumors have circulated for years that the Maniac was hiding out somewhere around Castelo. The police followed a series of reports to an abandoned goldmine 50 km west of the village, and arrested the suspect without incident.
I took this photo after I interviewed the suspect, who claimed his name was "Josué." Pictured is the flashlight that police found on him in the old goldmine, compared with a photo of a flashlight that the Maniac had used in a 2001 murder. Outside the barracks where I spoke with the supposed "Maniac," a crowd of about 150 Castelo residents were threatening to turn into a lynch mob. "Josué" was eventually removed from the barracks, handcuffed, and spirited off in a Military Police truck to another jurisdiction. I should point out that this only happened after a few people, myself included, pleaded with the police to respect the prisoner's civil rights (he was being held in violation of habeas corpus) and to remove him before the mob invaded the police barracks to kill the suspect.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Another wedding, another stomach bug
Or is it the same old bug from the beginning of my trip that just won't leave me alone?
In any case, since the last wedding (read, goat/camel-meat-eating bonanza) I attended one week ago, the battle against my stomach bug has grown even fiercer. The troubling thing is that I didn't even eat the meat this time (which meant that I got an earful from my new, dear host and friends). Still, my body's rejection of desert meat seems to be the most common explanation for why I've been out on my back for much of the last week. Luckily, I had already made the move into Haha's house and had my own room to crash in. Things with the family have been wonderful. It turns out that in addition to the two small boys I also have two host sisters. I hadn't known about them because neither of them lives at home: onem Hadiga, is in Algeria studying and the other, Mariam, lives with Haha's mother down the road (not uncommon here). All of the kids, including the boys Mustafa and Cory, are very affectionate, even with me. Although everytime I speak to them in Hassaniya, they cannot help but laugh!
In any case, since the last wedding (read, goat/camel-meat-eating bonanza) I attended one week ago, the battle against my stomach bug has grown even fiercer. The troubling thing is that I didn't even eat the meat this time (which meant that I got an earful from my new, dear host and friends). Still, my body's rejection of desert meat seems to be the most common explanation for why I've been out on my back for much of the last week. Luckily, I had already made the move into Haha's house and had my own room to crash in. Things with the family have been wonderful. It turns out that in addition to the two small boys I also have two host sisters. I hadn't known about them because neither of them lives at home: onem Hadiga, is in Algeria studying and the other, Mariam, lives with Haha's mother down the road (not uncommon here). All of the kids, including the boys Mustafa and Cory, are very affectionate, even with me. Although everytime I speak to them in Hassaniya, they cannot help but laugh!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The case of the mysteriously felled tree
When writing about the Br-163, Greenpeace functionaries often make sweeping accusations, blaming all roadside residents (ranchers, smallholder farmers, sustainable development projects, etc.) of the area for the accelerating destruction of the rainforest. As a result, the 300 protesters who forced Greenpeace to abandon the tree-trunk represented a cross-section of Castelo society, all of whom were mystified as to why an environmentalist organization would come to Castelo and remove a tree. No one missed the situation's irony.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
...More updates (camels?) from SW Algeria
Thank you, Jeremy, for posting my last update! I will likely have to revert to that method of posting again. For today, at least, my internet connection seems unusually cooperative. I learned from a friend, Bill, who works for Human Rights Watch on Western Sahara, that a link to our blog was sent out as a google news update to the recipients of a Western Sahara news alert. Yikes! Hopefully it goes without saying that what you find written here is indended as a log of my observations, not a news source. What I am experiencing now will take many months, maybe a lifetime, to sort out. Luckily, Bill (or Billy as our Arabic instructor used to call him) is coming for his first visit to the camps in a couple of weeks and it happens to be his job to write up reports on a dime!
I am finding both my Hassaniya lessons as well as my part-time work at an English school here extremely rewarding. I wish only that I had more time to balance out my language work with the important business of socializing. Even in my brief time here, I have had a difficult time negotiating my dual expectations to 1) get a handle on the language and 2) be a responsible, if temporary, member of society here. I am still living with my friend Alice's host family and find myself very busy trying to keep up with all of the family commitments I have inherited through her despite/because of the fact that I cannot effectively speak the language. Every time I try to steal away to study, I feel like I am neglecting some social responsibility (who did I forget to visit? did I stay long enough?). At the same time, I know that I have to learn Hassaniya in order to get to know anybody. I have been keeping all this in mind as I've looked for a host family of my own. On Halloween, I will be moving in with a family, which seems to be very sensitive to the challenge of balancing family and study. My primary host's name is Haha. Appropriately, she has a great sense of humor and two small boys who are already pulling pranks on me.
One of the biggest surprises so far in my trip is how many breaks I have been given because I am married. I have found myself unexpectedly exempted from some of the interpersonal concern and social commentary that surroud unmarried women's behavior and comportment. Married woman have a code of their own, which I am coming to learn. For instance, I am not allowed to make myself beautiful with henna or jewels while my husband is absent. (I am still getting used to the idea of being approachable by other women without consistent access to bathing water, let alone beautiful.) Many women live apart from their husbands (many of whom work in Spain), so our distance does not strike anyone as particularly odd. Naturally, everyone I meet is eager to meet Jeremy and some have suggested we slaughter a camel when he comes. After attending a huge wedding where a dozen animals lost their lives (and after which I was ill for a few days from eating one poor goat's head), I politely declined the offer.
I am finding both my Hassaniya lessons as well as my part-time work at an English school here extremely rewarding. I wish only that I had more time to balance out my language work with the important business of socializing. Even in my brief time here, I have had a difficult time negotiating my dual expectations to 1) get a handle on the language and 2) be a responsible, if temporary, member of society here. I am still living with my friend Alice's host family and find myself very busy trying to keep up with all of the family commitments I have inherited through her despite/because of the fact that I cannot effectively speak the language. Every time I try to steal away to study, I feel like I am neglecting some social responsibility (who did I forget to visit? did I stay long enough?). At the same time, I know that I have to learn Hassaniya in order to get to know anybody. I have been keeping all this in mind as I've looked for a host family of my own. On Halloween, I will be moving in with a family, which seems to be very sensitive to the challenge of balancing family and study. My primary host's name is Haha. Appropriately, she has a great sense of humor and two small boys who are already pulling pranks on me.
One of the biggest surprises so far in my trip is how many breaks I have been given because I am married. I have found myself unexpectedly exempted from some of the interpersonal concern and social commentary that surroud unmarried women's behavior and comportment. Married woman have a code of their own, which I am coming to learn. For instance, I am not allowed to make myself beautiful with henna or jewels while my husband is absent. (I am still getting used to the idea of being approachable by other women without consistent access to bathing water, let alone beautiful.) Many women live apart from their husbands (many of whom work in Spain), so our distance does not strike anyone as particularly odd. Naturally, everyone I meet is eager to meet Jeremy and some have suggested we slaughter a camel when he comes. After attending a huge wedding where a dozen animals lost their lives (and after which I was ill for a few days from eating one poor goat's head), I politely declined the offer.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Letter Excerpts from the Camps
Maddy wrote the following to Jeremy recently, and encouraged him to post pieces of the letter to the blog, as her internet connection in the camps is close to non-existent:
"My trip into the camps has been guided by something beyond myself, which is not to say it has been easy. My plane was hours late and my luggage got lost again on the flight down here and I didn't arrive into the camps until 5 am on Wednesday. Fortunately, the principal of the English school in Smara was kind enough to drive to the airport (an hour away), wait for me, and drive me back to crash in the school for a couple of hours. Waking up Wednesday was like waking up into another life. I don't know how else to describe it. I tried to live my same life for the first couple of hours, continuing to advance a go-get-em graduate student attitude, letting my mind do all the work. But by mid-day, I knew I could not do it alone (not "it" like the fieldwork, but "it" like the day itself). I had to ask for help. I know that might sound crazy, but it was at that moment that simple. In retrospect and after talking to a new friend, Alice, I am realizing its not crazy but the reality of living in this incredibly difficult place. You cannot lead with your head alone here. I think that will make sense to you after a few days here. I had gone to the guest house and there was not a soul there at first and the place was even more run down. No locks on the doors, etc. I didn't know where I was going to stay.
"My trip into the camps has been guided by something beyond myself, which is not to say it has been easy. My plane was hours late and my luggage got lost again on the flight down here and I didn't arrive into the camps until 5 am on Wednesday. Fortunately, the principal of the English school in Smara was kind enough to drive to the airport (an hour away), wait for me, and drive me back to crash in the school for a couple of hours. Waking up Wednesday was like waking up into another life. I don't know how else to describe it. I tried to live my same life for the first couple of hours, continuing to advance a go-get-em graduate student attitude, letting my mind do all the work. But by mid-day, I knew I could not do it alone (not "it" like the fieldwork, but "it" like the day itself). I had to ask for help. I know that might sound crazy, but it was at that moment that simple. In retrospect and after talking to a new friend, Alice, I am realizing its not crazy but the reality of living in this incredibly difficult place. You cannot lead with your head alone here. I think that will make sense to you after a few days here. I had gone to the guest house and there was not a soul there at first and the place was even more run down. No locks on the doors, etc. I didn't know where I was going to stay.
"So looking for a place to start, on Thursday, I went to FEB 27 (another camp) to meet Alice, a grad student from Cambridge, whose name I had heard from the Glycines center in Algiers. I had no idea what her story was though. It turns out, Alice is an anthropologist working with Marilyn Strathern! She insisted right then and there that I move in with her until I find a host family of my own, arguing that me being around could help us both out in our fieldwork because it is very difficult for women to move around alone here, etc. She has spent just short of 6 months here working on language and has 15 months left thanks to the generous UK educational system. I have spent the last couple of nights with her host family, which has already given me a Hassaniya name (Nisreen, a kind of rose). They live close to the family with which I stayed last time. I will be spending the day over there today, and possibly moving back in later. I have had many (too many) offers for tutors. One had heard about me and actually showed up at the house last night to introduce himself. He has taught Hassaniya for several years in Mauritania and is fluent in both English and French so it would be a good match. I will start lessons on Tuesday.
"In the meantime, I am working at a huge wedding tomorrow and possibly going for a ride into the desert to the so-called liberated Western Sahara, on Monday. Neither of these things would have been conceivable to me as possibilities during my last trip. From that very first day I felt like this was a totally different place than the one I visited a year ago. For better and for worse, I have been treated differently this time--as a temporary resident in Alice's footsteps and not a visitor. That is an incredible honor, but also a lot of responsibility to have already. So, for example, people are feeding me what they eat, some of which makes me gag like camel lard, and sheep intestines. Some folks cannot understand why I don't already speak Hassaniya, which is really hard, but I am definitely feeling motivated to learn it."
Friday, October 19, 2007
"The Ghosts are Arriving"
Monday, October 15, 2007
Workin' on the Br-163
More camp photos...
Pictures from the camps
Sunday, October 14, 2007
For my Dad

If you have been confused about what country Tindouf is actually located in, it is for good reason. Tindouf has historically been an important site along the trans-Saharan caravan and has been "ruled" in turn by Saharawi (Western Saharan) tribes, the Moroccan King, the French, and finally the Algerians. When the King of Morocco invaded the territory of Western Sahara in 1975, a war began between Morocco and Western Sahara that left thousands of Saharawi refugees homeless. They fled the war-torn Western Sahara for Tindouf, by then part of the independent state of Algeria. Morocco still "rules" Western Sahara and thousands of refugees remain in Tindouf, where they have been provided protection by Algeria and aid by the UN. Technically, the war between Western Sahara and Morocco ended in 1991, but the UN peacekeeping and diplomatic channels designated to assist in the decolonization of Western Sahara have proven ineffective.
If you headed due West for a couple hundred miles from Tindouf, you would end up in the capital of the Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara, Layouune. If you headed further West a hundred miles or so, you would end up in the Canary Islands off the coast of Western Sahara, where Maddy, her Mom, and her husband will be spending Christmas (and where there is also a considerable Saharawi refugee population). Unfortunately, you can't actually get to Layouune from Tindouf because of a vast sand wall, built by Morocco during the war to insulate its colony from the Saharawi war effort, then based out of Tindouf. Since my access to internet in Tindouf will be unreliable, I will post a few pictures from the refugee camps in Tindouf over the next few days, so you can put a visual with the place name.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Eid Mubarek!
Today in Algiers is the beginning of Eid al-Fitr, the 3-day holiday that marks the end of the month of Ramadan. The timing of the holiday depends on the sighting of the moon, and as a result, it varies around the world. The whole city has been bustling over the past few days buying foodstuffs, gifts and decorations for the holiday. Today, the streets are silent; the stores, closed. Yesterday, at the height of the pre-holiday rush (similar to that before Christmas, it is said), a few friends from the Glycines and I went to the Kasbah, or the old city. Built in the Ottoman era in the mid-1700s, the Kasbah is a maze of narrow roads and pathways underneath tall stone buildings built one on top of the other. The Kasbah is extremely overcrowded and perched on the hillside next to the sea. In this sense, it is mildly reminiscent of a Rio favela. But, unlike most favelas in Brasil, the structures are centuries old, four stories high and growing up rather than out. Here are a couple of pictures from the rooftop of one building, the home of many, many families. In the first, you can see the historically “harem” (off-limits, protected) interior courtyard characteristic of Ottoman architecture, where women are thought to have stayed. Today this is not the case. Many Algerian women do wear the hijab (head scarf) when they leave the house, but their scarfs tend to be markers of the latest fashions, depending on their prints and labels, rather than an indication of static traditions. In the second photo, taken from the same spot, you can see the rooftops of neighboring buildings and the sea in the background.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Peace in the countryside
Monday, October 8, 2007
bel Alger...
Saturday, October 6, 2007
News from Algiers
It's Jeremy here, in Castelo de Sonhos. I am thrilled to report that the internet gods cooperated a bit with Maddy and me today, and we were able to chat online. She arrived in Algiers safe and sound on Thursday evening, though without any of her luggage. Maddy writes:
"I have arrived safely in Algiers where I will remain until I retrieve my luggage, which has gone missing in transit. Luckily, I have incredibly generous contacts here who have welcomed me into their homes and shuttled me back and forth to the airport. Now I am staying in the student hosel/research center where I stayed briefly during my last visit."
It's ramadan right now, which surprisingly means MORE food than you can imagine, after sundown. Again, Maddy says, " at dinner we had fish, chicken, and beef; two kinds of stew; two kinds of couscous; and lots of fruits and vegetables." Man, that certainly beats the rice and beans routine here in Castelo!
We can't wait to hear more from Algeria...the place where Maddy is staying has wireless internet. As soon as her luggage arrives (and she can recharge her computer), I'm sure Maddy will be in touch herself.
"I have arrived safely in Algiers where I will remain until I retrieve my luggage, which has gone missing in transit. Luckily, I have incredibly generous contacts here who have welcomed me into their homes and shuttled me back and forth to the airport. Now I am staying in the student hosel/research center where I stayed briefly during my last visit."
It's ramadan right now, which surprisingly means MORE food than you can imagine, after sundown. Again, Maddy says, " at dinner we had fish, chicken, and beef; two kinds of stew; two kinds of couscous; and lots of fruits and vegetables." Man, that certainly beats the rice and beans routine here in Castelo!
We can't wait to hear more from Algeria...the place where Maddy is staying has wireless internet. As soon as her luggage arrives (and she can recharge her computer), I'm sure Maddy will be in touch herself.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Off to Algeria
I am off to Algiers on Wednesday and should arrive at the camps which are the site of my study (in the Sahara) by late Friday. I won't have consistent access to internet there, so I thought I'd post my itinerary for the next few months. I'll be in the camps working at an English school by day and studying Arabic by night until December 16th when I fly back to Algiers. It will be Ramadan when I arrive on Friday, so I am hoping that my first post from the camps will contain some lively stories about the festivities!
At the roadblock, Castelo
It's Jeremy here, back in the "Castle of Dreams," some 900 km south of Santarém on the unpaved Br-163. I arrived here on Saturday morning, and was lucky to have been able to get to Douglas and Cris's house (my hosts). Since September 20th, a group of agrarian reform clients (sem terra, or "landless workers") have been operating a roadblock at a crucial wooden bridge located 3 km north of Castelo, on the Br-163. They are protesting a recent federal court decision to suspend the operations of land reform settlements in Western Pará, as it was decided that the settlements are accelerating deforestation and illegal land occupation in the region. The settlers are trying to call attention to their plight: they've waited for four years for their settlement to be legalized; have received many promises of land and techincal support from the government; they've been involved in low-grade warfare with ranchers and lumber companies who run over their land with impunity and are the real accelerators of deforestation in the region. Now, it seems, they might lose all they've worked for and/or been promised.
When my bus arrived at the roadblock at 7 am on Saturday, I got down and began socializing with the protestors, many of whom are my firends. Within 20 minutes, someone had gotten a motorcycle ready to give me a lift into the center of Castelo. My companions on the bus had to wait another 5 hours at the roadblock, as the protesters only open the road for traffic at noon and midnight. If I had a fast enough connection, I'd attach the photo of a sem terra protester, Matheus, lighting a set of tires ablaze at the roadblock. Last week, before I arrived, a group of lumber-folks and ranchers tried to take over the roadblock by force and liberate traffic on the Br-163. Matheus made sure some of them took 2nd-degree burns away with them, and the roadblock continues.
When my bus arrived at the roadblock at 7 am on Saturday, I got down and began socializing with the protestors, many of whom are my firends. Within 20 minutes, someone had gotten a motorcycle ready to give me a lift into the center of Castelo. My companions on the bus had to wait another 5 hours at the roadblock, as the protesters only open the road for traffic at noon and midnight. If I had a fast enough connection, I'd attach the photo of a sem terra protester, Matheus, lighting a set of tires ablaze at the roadblock. Last week, before I arrived, a group of lumber-folks and ranchers tried to take over the roadblock by force and liberate traffic on the Br-163. Matheus made sure some of them took 2nd-degree burns away with them, and the roadblock continues.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
This photo was taken at Cris' birthday party. She is wearing a brand-new dress from Jeremy and me. The look on my face is betraying something like "She actually likes it?!" Later that evening I decided it must have been our luck and not our fashion judgment that was to thank for the success when "the tourist gringo/a" was made the butt of another revelers' joke. He remarked (as per Jeremy's precise and ever-patient translation): "No matter where they go, those gringos always stick to the same American dress!" I took this as encouragement to ditch the lightweight REI pants.
Here Tainá and I are having some early morning snuggles. Taken before Tainá is sure she's ready to meet the day or the camera, this photo was stolen by Jeremy before morning café in Cris and Douglas' house (just look at my eyes!). Soon, the little one would be running circles around all of us and hamming it up for the camera.
A few more pictures (con't)
A few more pictures
Back in Davis
The Fall Quarter is winding up here in Davis, where I finally arrived on Monday mid-day. It was a lonely trip home, but I was met by cooler tempertatures and good friends once I arrived back in California. The back-to-school buzz is unmistakable on UCD's prisitne grounds (what different woods these are from the Amazon!). Although for the first time since I was 5 years old, I am not part of the gang heading back to classes this fall, it is heartening to be in familiar surroundings, breathing fresh air, and bumping into old friends on the street corner. As I became increasingly sleep-deprived on my journey home, I began to have some reservations about going back to the joys and comforts of home before being jolted, once again, into a challenging non-home situation. But, already I can see that those concerns were unfounded. In every respect this short time in California has exceeded my expectations. I feel incredibly supported in this small town and, I am coming to see, I feel a sort of community I haven't had since my early childhood in southwest Minneapolis. I am continuing to follow the news out of Algeria with extreme interest. I was recently informed of the possibility that my fellowship could be canceled due to security concerns (despite the fact that the primary security threats in Algeria are located in the northeast and I will be in the southwest). I am scheduled to leave on October 2nd. With the help of my Davis support, I am trying to practice positive thinking through this very frustrating situation, which is largely out of my control. Of course, your positive thoughts are welcome too! In just a moment, I will be taking off for San Francisco to catch up with Katie and some friends. I will say hello to your city for you, Jeremy! Love to all.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Everybody's traveling
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